How to get rid of negative emotions?

How to get rid of negative emotions

I just turned 24 last month and have been working for over a year. Honestly, my top concern right now is getting used to the job, increasing my salary, improving my skills so that I can advance in the future. But, every time I go to coffee with my friends, I feel like I’m lagging behind. Also my age, they have mastered.

How to get rid of negative emotions?

Some people invest in real estate surfing, now have a car, have their own house even though they have to pay installments. Some people open spas and sell essential oils. I feel like my dream is pathetic, I also want to do something like them. But I am cowardly and have no capital. I know it’s pathetic to say it like this, but how can I be less jealous?

Dear jealous , of course, I’m going to work for a salary and see my friends become the boss, of course I will feel jealous. But what are you really jealous of? Because they own the business, or what do they have? Or both? If you’re jealous because they possess more material possessions than you, wake up quickly – because there will always be someone who has more than you.

So the first thing to overcome feelings of jealousy, comparison is to look at what you already have and learn to be satisfied with it. And if you’re jealous because they seem proactivework and career – be patient, you may need more time than they do to figure out what you really want to do in business, invest, and raise enough capital.

Everyone has their own path, so focus on what, when alone, you find you care about most. There are turtles that go slowly and still reach the finish line, even if they reach the finish line first.

I got married at the age of 28. When we first fell in love, I cherished him because he was very interested in his family, did not indulge in drinking, gathering with friends, nor was he engrossed in video games. He went to work and then returned to his family, having money to invest, still is.

But, I realized that it made our lives extremely boring. I want the young couple to be able to go out together, explore foreign lands, and do things that are difficult to do later with children. Yet he was completely indifferent to those things, even indifferent to pleasures like going to the movies or concerts. I feel like we have almost nothing in common but family plans. I think like this, sooner or later my feelings will cool down, what should I do?

Dear disappointment, it is true that husband and wife need emotional connection, and emotions can be built up from the things we do together. Therefore, you should have a general conversation with your husband so that he can hear your thoughts. Maybe he also has things he wants you to do together but you are not interested?

Try creating a contract that divides time between you to participate in the things your husband wants you to do, and vice versa, encourages him to try doing things with you that you enjoy. No one wants his wife to move away from him more and more, so at first, even if he’s not excited, he’ll try.

And the important thing is, if he’s not as excited as you are, don’t despair. Because each of us has a habit and preferenceSo instead of wanting others to change to become like you, find out what the two of you have in common, and try to foster family love.

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