If I do it all at the washateria it is 20 weekly at least. Now it is 2. American flag baseball anti-dust cotton face mask Literally just o e industrial dryer that I load, dry, reload, dry. 2 gets me an hour so 10 to 20 min a load.
American flag baseball anti-dust cotton face mask
Those very much exist in America. Visit San Francisco and see how many people are living in cardboard boxes. Or how about the more than 20m living in abject poverty in the U.S. poverty isn’t limited to third world nations. American flag baseball anti-dust cotton face mask I use one towel per week during summer and 2 per week when it’s cold. I use it to wipe my hair and face and body only. I hang it dry in my bedroom or closet. Never left it in the bathroom for people to wipe their hands on. you can use fan or hair dryer and point it into your B-hole..and use tissue if still wet and wipe it out, no need to use towel..LOL..but im not doing this..just a suggestion for you all to save money from buying lots of antibacterial detergent and lots of towel to wash people who own washers and dryers are not washing clothes for free..
it’s called Gas/electric and water bill.. oh and the cost of the machines. The time cleaning and maintenance on machines. Idk where you wash your clothes but a weeks worth of towels fit in a 1 load washer.. at best it would cost you $5 a week to wash and dry. And I’m not stupid for not wanting to do even more laundry than the crap ton i already do. People just amuse me. Do whatever makes you happy, point blank end of story. If y’all wanna come wash all my towels i will be more than happy to switch out every day no washer or dryer for 6 months here due to loosen them to flood. Also lost job. Still don’t wipe my face with something I wiped my butt with. I wash in the tub n hang dry. Yes even in winter. Gets them dry enough that 10 min in the dryer will dry them.
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