and would be is their goal to take away And into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul camping poster any image of Christian religion The image doesn’t bother an athiest, what bothers them is the violation of our constitution that there is a seperation of church and state.
And into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul camping poster
Its also not particularly old, and concrete just doesn’t have a very long lifespan. Its already showing signs of structural failure. Perhaps if a peice falls off and kills some one, then it will be time to take it down. Why not find a private foundation to buy the acre of land set up a trust fund and be done with it. You are fighting the lawsuit just to fight separation of church and state. And into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul camping poster Thomas Jefferson in a official document set the president that America as a government is not a Christian State.
We can be a nation that includes all religions and accept that some of our citizens do not believe in god. The men who died serving the country did so that everyone has the right to follow their beliefs, not a government choice of a national religion. well if they don’t believe it shouldn’t bother them..they wouldn’t care if a cross or Hershey kiss were bothers them solely to take away God from those who do believe
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