and should remain as a reminder to those And into the forest i go to lose my mind camping poster willing to sacrifice everything for their country. If you don’t like it, don’t go see it. I thank them for their service. Let’s look at this not as a memorial but as a tombstone,
And into the forest i go to lose my mind camping poster
so that through Him we might have eternal life with Him in the home He has prepared for all who believe in Him I pray that all would accept Him as their Lord for the days are growing short before He call us home all who have accepted Him as their Lord when that trumpet sounds in the air there is no more time And into the forest i go to lose my mind camping poster to avoid the great tribulation and the eternal hell I believe God will not allow this cross to be taken down.
Just up the road a wooden cross was erected by someone’s family, due to a death at this spot by the road. That cross remained and was close when a field fire broke out. Guess what ? that fire-burned all around very close to the cross and did not touch the cross just amazing I’m sorry that this cross offends some. But it’s a memorial to honor those from this county who gave all and whose bodies were buried overseas. It’s been there a very long time
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