recognize a union as the official bargaining agent of its employees christmas trumpet full printing ugly sweater once a third party verifies that a majority of the entire group of employees has signed union membership cards;
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Multiple forms of “electronic signature” will be accepted by the NLRB, including “email exchanges or internet/intranet sign-up methods.” christmas trumpet full printing ugly sweater Options include a website that employees could access to complete an online “authorization form” or a form email message. An authorization supported by electronic signature must include the signer’s name, email address or social media account, telephone number, the actual “authorization” language to which the employee assents, the date of the submission, and the name of the employer. The submitting union also must provide a declaration identifying the technology used and explaining the identification controls within the system. Rather than signing an authorization card with a pen, employees will be offered the
opportunity to affirm their desire for union representation by clicking a box. COORDINATED BARGAINING – Joint or cooperative efforts by several unions or bargaining units in dealing with an employer that has employees represented by each of the several unions. CONTRACT BAR – A period of time during the term of a contract when the incumbent union is protected from a take-over action by an outside union to call for an election in order to gain exclusive representation of employees represented by the incumbent union. CONCERTED ACTIVITY – An action taken by a group of employees in order to improve their working conditions or benefits. Bargaining law considers this type of activity protected from retaliation or reprisal. CHECKOFF – An arrangement under which an employer deducts from the pay of employees the amount of union dues they owe and turns over the proceeds directly to the treasurer of the union. CARD CHECK AGREEMENT – An agreement in which the employer agrees to
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