against energy reform – it’s hard to win a congressional seat in a district dominated by the coal mining industry if marvel wanda vision it was agatha all along vintage shirt you don’t support fossil fuels. However, I also envision a new, fast growing industry in renewable energy that promises to replace the fossil fuel
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production that improves one’s living conditions. This over-reliance while has had its benefits, has also driven this world out of balance. It is unless that the human population as a whole can master the ability of moderation and help implement a system for the distribution of resources, climate change will continue on in its state of marvel wanda vision it was agatha all along vintage shirt negligence. It is ultimately up to our own human race to solve a problem that we had created. As an Environmental and Sustainable sciences major, I tend to have very strong views on climate change. I think it is potentially the largest and most challenging issue humanity has ever faced, and if we do not treat it as such, there will be unavoidable consequences. We have a vast amount of concrete, reliable data that tells us climate change is happening; the fact that our government and politicians across the world are choosing to ignore this data is infuriating. To make matters worse, some politicians and climate change deniers have stigmatized the people who are hting for a change, and labeled them as crazy and untrustworthy. There have been multiple global summits and meetings on the issue of climate change. People have come up with legitimate ways to address the issue. Now we need to actually act on the issue, and work on solving the problem WE created. I think that climate change is clear as day. My view is pessimistic. While I do believe that we, as humans, should do everything in our power to solve this, it is mostly a lost cause. We fail every threshold we aim for. Furthermore, the dramatic politicization of this issue is what holds us back from stopping it. The only scenario where I see a solution is if there is a drastic one.
An example is like the movie Snowpiercer which begins with people releasing a chemical in the air to release rather than trap heat. Climate change is a rather frustrating issue to discuss, especially considering the ramifications that it can have on our planet in the next coming decades. Many people still only consider climate change if at all through the context of global warming, and fail to heed the changes that it can bring through other alterations in our planet’s delicate balance, such as all but destroying the polar ice caps, releasing enough methane into the atmosphere to significantly harm the atmospheric carbon contents, or acidifying the oceans and jeopardizing marine life, or disrupting land-based ecosystems to put thousands of species at risk of extinction. While the Paris Agreement is a step in the right direction, the fact that a significant portion of earth’s population still ascribes to climate change not being a significant threat, that our actions won’t have any consequence at all to irreversibly make our planet uninhabitable, is disturbing. Climate change is a worsening problem on our planet and anybody who says otherwise is either a brain-dead fool or a moneyungry politician. I guess they’re the same thing, really. It doesn’t take a genius to realize climate change’s effects on the planet now and in the past. It’s fact that the world experienced a sudden spike in climate after the industrial revolution of the western world centuries ago. Things are just as industrialized now. It’s insane, it’s absolutely insane. The worst part is that this is all preventable, and nothing is being changed. Renewable sources of energy could be a huge change, but not enough people pursue these because such options are costly. As an individual, it’s difficult to change things. It takes the vast majority of people to stand as one to enact such change, especially on a global scale. It’s frustrating to think about and even more frustrating to watch. I traditionally vote on the right side of the political spectrum, however climate change and environmental conservation are issues that consistently challenge my support for the political right. I believe that denying humanity’s impact on climate change is ignorant in this day and age, especially with the technology and tools available to us today. I understand many politicians reasons for pushing
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