Black cat that’s what I do I read books I drink wine and I know things poster


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Oh and Ms. Boxer, abortion IS everyone’s business. Black cat that’s what I do I read books I drink wine and I know things poster Murder in every form- should be against the law. The fact is, if this were done to a dog— people would get arrested.

Black cat that’s what I do I read books I drink wine and I know things poster

However I learned how to forgive and be free and move on. While pregnant I launched my first business, while being a young mother, I launched 2 more: Black cat that’s what I do I read books I drink wine and I know things poster A publishing house, a preschool, a Life Coaching practice. Sorry, kids don’t ruin lives. I’ve worked with foster kids, one who was the result of a dad who raped his daughter (that little boy whom I helped care for is PRECIOUS and is in no wise guilty of his father’s crime)! I don’t believe in condemning post-abortive women (but loving them)…i’ve prayed with several of them and I’ve helped pro-life clinics give free medical care, encouragement and (soon) counseling to women in crisis pregnancies. Here’s the thing. It’s not a clump of cells.

Pure science shows that. My body doesn’t have two hearts (otherwise I’d be in trouble) but when my girl was inside of me…there was two hearts from TWO bodies. My body doesn’t suck it’s thumb in my womb, my body doesn’t scream and run way from an abortion instrument. Love them both…the woman and the baby. “When abortions are banned women die”?? That is just a lie. When abortions AREN’T banned, MILLIONS of young women and young men are murdered. The blood of these innocents is on the hands of their mothers, their fathers, the doctors, nurses, counselors and all who try to talk the women into the murder. Will their blood not also be required at the hands of those who work hard to “keep abortion legal”? Those who vote for the pro-infanticide politicians? For all the activists, speakers teachers, etc who work to continue this genocide?

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