The failed Socialist experiment called Venezuela is looking for more comrades Black king i am who i am your approval isn’t needed flag You’re absolutely right. Just don’t mind these people (here) who don’t know better. They only belong (here).
Black king i am who i am your approval isn’t needed flag
dont blame the president.. Humble ouself and pray.. I think that is a silly sentiment. Perhaps God is punishing America (I say America specifically because we have almost Black king i am who i am your approval isn’t needed flag 6 times the cases and more than double the deaths of the next most affected country) for electing an arrogant, misogynistic, racist, adulterous, stupid man into power and then praising him as some kind of God sent savior. That seems more likely than your claim. I guess you actually don’t know what your talking about Donald trump is a gift to America and america love’s him let me remind you bro if only you know what you said is right trump is a God send savoir to the world not only america i think you too have a serious mental problem and disorder like those communist who wanted to destroy US!
You are wrong for telling anyone who to vote for. Your just another hater that makes as much sense as a screendoor on a submarine makes the world loves the fact u have a shit president. Its so funny just glad hes on the other side. doubt that statement! He’s is bringing out of a shithole but obviously shit is hard to remove Wants it’s established! If you believe that Then your f..k because he will win by a landslide in November. And to quote Obama win all 57 states based on what? Compared to other presidents?, ok we can compare.. the truth is President Trump has passed more positive legislation that benefits taxpaying citizens, then the last 10… feel free to migrate out of our free country, the irony lol. I hear
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