How does one not judge do nothing big spending Republicans yet do against democrats that act the same way? Blue butterfly pattern filter activated carbon face mask Neither party responded well yet one lost 30million jobs and spent trillions of taxpayers money with small results.
Blue butterfly pattern filter activated carbon face mask
NY is experiencing a pandemic unlike anything every seen! People need help in every aspect of life right now …that doesn’t make a welfare state but a caring emphatic state. Blue butterfly pattern filter activated carbon face mask We need to help each other any and every way we can! Governor Coumo is great and doing an awesome job fighting to keep New Yorkers alive….commend him, don’t criticize! lot of people’s budget spent on tinfoil looking at these comments. fully awake. Lifelong Democrat and now I see the hypocrisy and selfishness within the party! Democratic “leadership” overtime has ruined NY and other states. I am awake Shondell……now more than ever. It’s all a fake virus spread by bird drones! your opinion coming from a very large family,
my mother had 10 brother and sisters, so can you imagine all the first and second cousins I have? That all live in the Bronx some of my family from the young to the old has got the virus, and Even my cousin that is NYPD got the virus protecting other people! And even if you get a mild case and your young and healthy, still very difficult to get over, all my family love Cuomo! yet you don’t complain about Trump’s 30million jobs lost and trillions spent and added to the national debt? Sound like a hypocrite to me. I am an independent both parties are not winning especially the big spending do nothing Republicans. Who diesnt see that this video shows his true colors?? Like he said get a job ad an essential worker and go to work and you eont be killing peopel.. where is the logic in this!!
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