Buffalo bills full printing face mask


Really sad. Kudos to this Dad! good for you betty. I have kids. If somebody does it to me. Buffalo bills full printing face mask Even if I laught, still it is so disturbing. Good luck with your parenting. Nobody down you. Just different opinion. Enjoy your little cutie.

Buffalo bills full printing face mask

you can bet it’s happened before and that child would have been scared!! Children read our emotions. Dont tell me a baby would laugh when really being yelled at .They react to our voices and gestures!! Buffalo bills full printing face mask This baby smiles on…knowing that his father I would actually put money on it. If you listen you can hear the gentleness in his voice. Hes watching his baby so he doesnt get upset. You have to know something about child behavior to accept that if that baby felt uneasy or sensed that it would get scarier he would have been screaming. That sweetheart had a beautiful smile on his face whenever he looked at his fathe.lr! Finally, why the hell would he be filming if he was seriously getting upset? This guy was filming the beauty of his son. Go kiss a baby again not only are you unfamiliar with child development you’re not very savvy in the area of human behaviour. I’m not going to repeat myself as its obvious that you’re so narrow minded as to be ‘certain’ that this father is getting pissed! Literally..tell me..why would he be filming it??

I dont believe this…the girl we directed out comments to Keryda Smith has deleted her comments and I’m guessing, wont be returning. I wish people had more to say…a more thought-provoking comment other than that’s how I feel and I can say whatever I want…the constitution says so!!. Many people give opinions without a plausible reason for having it! Get educated people before you even say something about anything.  not that I recall. However, I think its irrelevant to this conversation. I so wish these threads could remain civil, sigh. The issue is, I believe, is whether or not dad was seriously angry or not. The headache aspect is just adding another direction from the original question. If you want to do that, I guess that is your right so, even though this point is mute, my answer is no, not that I remember. I absolutely agree with you! Glad you said something because I was about to! I think he is great for giving his child this attention, unlike other parents whom give their smartphones more attention than they do to their children.

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