hummmmmm I would think she is nervous and scared about talking on a video. Candy skull lady jigsaw puzzle but trust me as a nurse she has probably washed her hands 100 plus times already today. What’s worse.
Candy skull lady jigsaw puzzle
It’s a habbit we must stop biting your nails. Now the most important is stay home if you need to go out only by two. It’s been six weeks and now it’s starting to hit home not just 70yrs old but the middle age too. Candy skull lady jigsaw puzzle 45 to 60 are vulnerable too.You must be healthy to be able to fight this deadly virus. my daughter is a nurse in Scotland I’m and I get mad at such stupid careless remarks when someone is risking having their job taken or worse… dying for saving lives…. my daughter explained the fitting of the masks they wear and it’s awful… and that’s before they get onto the wards to work..
it’s very time consuming and costly to do and the stress for the nurse to try to breathe with limited air available causes some to panic so bad that they can’t do the job.. my daughter is risking her life for those who need her help. Yes she is acting. All those who believe she is acting call your friends n friends of friends and have a pool party with BBQ. Join trump rallies and go to church and hug everyone, no masks. No gloves. Because she is human like you and I. GOD protect and help her, each one out there doing their part as best as they can. I lost someone dear to this horrific VIRUS whom did his part being a Healthcare Hero to the end. yes and it all is good but the mask is still infected, and why not mention the hospital and the city and state…….
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