Thank you for this wonderful video… Cats drawing for cat lover poster so heartbreaking to see how bad we treat our parents while they’re alive and yet we miss them when they’re no more
Cats drawing for cat lover poster
I was greatly touched by this video.. we are 10 in the family.. during the last times of my mom nobody dare to visit her except me… Cats drawing for cat lover poster until the last week of her life to their great surprise mom could no longer memorize their names except ladislao.. to my mom all are called by my name… they cried hard but too late to show it… I appreciate this story.. pls remember your friend from Philippines.. Ladislao Labordo/570 Sta Elena, Buhi, Camarines Philippines 4433 oh darn I don’t do Instagram. But I’ll look for FB give always for family and friends (I’m good so would share). Love your videos. It’s a good way for me to learn, even at my age. i guess you are not choosing your winners base on the comments,
but i still hope i can win this i participate long time ago Dhar Mann Is there a way you could do the giveaways on fb? I’d be able to share on Fb. I can’t do Ig… due to circumstances that are out of my control.. You don’t know how much your videos have helped me personally.. have a phenomenal adopted mom, my biological mother has chosen not to be in my life and my dad has passed… I’d never dare to treat my mom this way, ever. Disagreements and arguments in the past yes, but I’d never disrespect her or mistreat her. This was sad but also moving because it’s a reality… I love you mom and dad Thank you for all the sacrifices that you’ve done for us.. May God continue to bless both of you with good health..
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