Also did you know there is a plan designed by the Rockerfeller University for the Deep State and world Cincinnati bengals full printing face mask Elites on how the Elites can use a Virus to create the needed chaos
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unfornately a vaccine and a test are very different for viruses. The tea looks for antibodies where as the vaccine would deliver a similar by weaker virus into your body. We would have to crated a modded virus. Cincinnati bengals full printing face mask The news say that’s at least a year and a half away from being deployable have to also point out that this is a genius way to keep everyone separated. What ever that accomplishes , remains to be seen . I live in a medical facility. Ok ts a very controlled creepy envoronment. Ots almost like they want every one too go insane. All those poorr drug addicts. You laugh but the impact of this goes way deeper than anyone will spek of . Talk about controll. This is like marshal law on steroids. You would think so but not always. And also why would they even want to create a deadly virus to begin with. And why would the defense department be one of the entities sometimes being one of the funders of creating deadly viruses? First they create a deadly virus and then it takes 6 months to 2 years to create a supposed vaccine but secondly most vaccines do not work!!
Next major problem is that viruses constantly mutate faster than any vaccine can be made so thus every year when they push Flu Vaccines they are for the past Flu virus which has mutated and thus inefective for the new mutated virus. They just push them anyway to make the gullible foolish public feel safe and especially so the Big Pharms can rake in Billions on lies. Also did you know that there are documents on the net which show where this Coronavirus was created and by which scientists? It was first created at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and then was illegally smuggled out of the country by the two Chines scientists who were two of the 15 scientists who created it in 2015. Shi Zheng-Li was the primary scientist in the creation of the virus from bat virus which she sopecializesin and why she is also called the Bat lady in China. After Chapel Hill she became the head of the Laboratory in Wuhan where the so called Pandemic started. At that Labioratory she and a group of other Chinese scientists mixed in genetic material from 3 more past SARS Flu viruses and the HIV virus and possibly some Ebola genetic material as well, still debated, as that Ebola was smuggled out of Canada by another Chinese scientist who was working in the Virology laboratory at the University of Winnepeg in Manitoba.
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