When ross enters the room it’s from the hall way not his room Dragonfly stay wild moon child motivational retro poster how can they hear through 2 walls and a hall way I watched that this afternoon and thought the same
Dragonfly stay wild moon child motivational retro poster
These are THEE DUMBEST videos I’ve ever seen. Hey I like your videos,but why in EVERY SINGLE video why does some one say “well you see” ?? Dragonfly stay wild moon child motivational retro poster I really don’t think there is one that does not have it?!? So what would have been a heartfelt video turned out to be a reveal that the wife is insecure and manipulative treating her husband as if he was some pawn? My insecurities are beyond the limit because of him . its hard to give the trust back after he broke it for a million times My 3rd wife did the same thing, luckily for me I fell in love with the babysitter. I’m not dhar mann. Moral of the story, dont send a hooker to do a wife a job. I get bei g self conscious!
But, putting temptation in your husband’s way is truly uncalled for! Lucky for her he didnt take the bait! It surprised me that he pulled his wife aside in the beginning to let her know he had a very bad feeling about her & that he felt like she was coming onto him. If he was cheating, I don’t think he would’ve pulled her aside to say that! SMH! I’m more proud of the husband for ANOT taking the bait than I am that his own wife set him up like that. The apartment numbers were used to change time to time and I noticed it while watching. But the rest are totally not noticeable. I noticed in the episode with Joey and Rachel and ross and Charlie and they are listening.
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