and does an illigal who doesn’t pay into the system Duck hunter hunting camo full over print shirt now have access to it simply because he walks in. I’m not in the mood to continue to pay for illigals who are in jail as repeat offenders. Now you want me to pay for them to see a doctor outside of jail too?
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yes I realize that. It’s just like Fire Department and Police Department. It’s “free”, but paid for with taxes. But everybody in that city can use them when they need them, regardless of their financial status. Some people who pay taxes will never use those services. Some will use them a few times. Some will need them many times. Whatever is the case, Duck hunter hunting camo full over print shirt nobody has to worry about not being able to pay for it. Healthcare should be the same way. It is a necessity, not a luxury. Do you realize that? Ignore the keyboard warrior above me.
Typical Trump supporter who has no argument and knows nothing, so he resorts to using personal insults, much like the moron who temporarily occupies the White House. Poor little boy is so confused, he’s a Cowboys fan from Steelers country. lol They should throw him out of Pennsylvania. And he thinks if he “likes” all those porn stars’ pages, he’ll have a shot with them. Sad! Who exactly should pay for this so called “free healthcare”
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