The United States never employed a national language hippity hoppity get off my property frog with the gun doormat because we are not a country with a single origin language. Being a language majority doesn’t mean it’s the only viable language.
hippity hoppity get off my property frog with the gun doormat
Especially when the one speaking their native language is having a private conversation. If someone doesn’t appreciate the language then walk away and stop listening. hippity hoppity get off my property frog with the gun doormat The conversation was not meant for them anyway. With great respect to you and everyone else, this is a country of freedom and a melting pot of so many different cultures and beautiful people from different traditions and languages, it makes for wonderful experiences. Puerto Rico is my beautiful island where my roots are imbedded. ignorance!! Evidently this woman does not know her American history. One day someone will knock her on her ass. I Hop should have put her out. If I was there I would have jumped in and supported the Spanish lady. please never stop! I love hearing people speak their native languages!
I think it’s beautiful and fascinating. thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel exactly the same way if that’s what they would choose to do, it would be perfectly okay with me. I laugh at myself from time to time for many different reasons. Thank you for your opinion. It is your right to have one and I welcome them all May not know you personally but I’m definitely proud of you my brother. We so have a common bond BTW I must apologize to you. I obviously misunderstood your comment. I can admit when I’m wrong. So again sorry for the misunderstanding and god bless you always as you should. I have seen Americans that speak nothing but German, Russian, Italian, or other predominantly white origin languages… and never seen this shit towards them.
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