Put up a secular monument in its place. I am your friend dog shih tzu poster Never mind it violates the law and constitution whether you like it or not. Stop being so selfish and egotistical about your religion, and just plain un christian.
I am your friend dog shih tzu poster
They are so fixated on the cross and not the real meaning behind it! It’s to honor the soldiers!! This is my last post on this!! So if you respond I’m not going back and forth I said what I had to say!! This country is a mess and need prayer I believe that Jesus is the son of God. Not sure what you believe. I am your friend dog shih tzu poster God will be the judge of that! God bless you!! This is just another case of people who have no life have to make it miserable
for everyone else. You are just a miserable bunch of people. Get a hobby, volunteer to help the less fortunate, believe whatever you want but leave others to their own beliefs. Take it down. It’s deeply offensive to those who are not christian. To those who died who where jews, budists, and even atheists it does not represent them, only a select few. It says only the christian dead matter.
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