James taylor you ve got a friend lyrics signature poster


She had no right to spit and carry on. James taylor you ve got a friend lyrics signature poster If she felt she was being violated then get up and move, then if you want report it to the place of business. I myself would remove my child and myself to another table and be done with it. Now if she choose to follow me then I would report it.

James taylor you ve got a friend lyrics signature poster

even if her baby was crying that lady had no right to go to her table and sit down and talk to her child i would have did the same thing you don’t just walk up to someone’s baby and start touching them it’s not your place i don’t give a dam where it is its not your place then when she was asked to leave why didn’t she just leave no she sat there James taylor you ve got a friend lyrics signature poster and made it worse have a great day judging by some of these comments, i can see why so many kids get snatched up in this world!

you actually think it was ok for a stranger to sit down at your table and talk to your child? that woman could have waited for the right opportunity and simply walked away with that child and none of you would have cared because you thought it was ok! the mother panic when this huge strange woman sat at her table with her child instead of sitting somewhere else!! keep your crying wanes at home if you can’t look after them in public diners have a right to go out to eat but it’s again not the child’s fault it’s that stupid ass pratt off a mother not looking after the needs of her child I’m not blind!

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