she would have never put her baby in harms way. Knights templar metallic anti pollution filter activated carbon face mask Nobody is justifying what she did! But she DID remember to grab the baby even under the circumstances.
Knights templar metallic anti pollution filter activated carbon face mask
you got a very valid point. She deserves whatever time she gets and to not have custody of her child. i came to say something similar… people leave their kids home alone and in cars.. Knights templar metallic anti pollution filter activated carbon face mask but this lady still worried bout her baby!! I have mixed emotions on that one. She driving reckless did wreck but she made sure she didmt leave her baby behind The mom with the baby bout strong as hell! Car seats weigh at least 40 pounds with the kid in em for reals I can’t even walk 5 steps holding an infant seat without feeling worn out and she’s straight running with one like wtf That’s what I thought. Omg running really fast and holding a carseat in one hand.
Must be related to wonder woman I swear that’s the first thing I said was how in tf she slinging that with one arm? Maybe meth ain’t as bad as they tell us Right!! One hand and all!I can’t even walk from my door to the car without my arms hurting and that’s 2 arms! jeezz… drugs really be giving people that super hero strength! Let’s stop: if that criminal mom doesn’t forget her baby in the vehicle there should be no reason anyone else does. Let that sink in. She takes her baby with her even while fleeing law enforcement. She takes the extra 30 seconds to grab her baby out of the back!! could be like that and also could be that she will have her baby so they not gonna shoot her That’s her food stamps and cash baby she needed it because otherwise
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