healthy older weaker population now he wants to blame the resting homes for negligence Motorhead rock band anti-dust cotton face mask and bad caregiving from something that was pushed on them by him and they are the fall guys?
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so I can pay my bills and support my family during this incredibly tough time. Maybe fix the unemployment and get theses people money faster is the only thing I see he hasn’t done. Motorhead rock band anti-dust cotton face mask People been waiting over two months for unemployment and it’s still pending so I would guess they will be another month with out a check We includes those that can’t afford to not work which causes the family unit to starve or not get medical attention that could result in death. Sorry, but your life and we’ll being don’t come before my my family. You are just fooling everyone!!!! No Unemployment checks!!!! My daughter was denied the Government supplemental check!!$! What BS Next?!!!!
And just think if Americans had all been abiding by the quarantine from the beginning, everything could have started to go back to normal by now like it is in other countries. What I always look for in people and leaders is finding a way to put God’s will ahead of their own. God loves people, and wants to create lives and watch them flourish. God has a plan. We are meant to be free people. It equals death to people that are depressed and suicidal. Whose savings have run out. I know of 3 people personally that have recovered from this in Texas. All in their 70’s -80’s. How is this guy sensible didn’t he send sick elderly covid 19 patients from hospitals who could care for them to resting homes that didn’t have the ability to care for illness mandatory and then they had tons of deaths because they couldn’t care or contain the out break so he put sick with
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