My attitude is as big as my butt you have been warned shirt


he has had more crap thrown at him than My attitude is as big as my butt you have been warned shirt any other President and you don’t think he deserves to defend himself?..he is a human and will have knee jerk reactions to absolute nonsense…get real…sorry forgot la la land is the liberal way!

My attitude is as big as my butt you have been warned shirt

Please teach people , black and white, you don’t have to go down that path of depending on government to support you. Yes, there are some people, all races that are mentally and physically unable to take care of themselves, thus the welfare, but don’t let yourselves depend on it. My attitude is as big as my butt you have been warned shirt  If you do, you are simply another slave to democrats. I have not and would not accept welfare unless I was in a very dire situation.

Don’t have children for welfare. It’s wrong. We will all have to answer for our actions one day. Let’s stand firm and take our country back. Democrats are working to get everyone dependent on them and get the votes and have a solid democrat country and then they won’t need you and they Will stop welfare. If you live this way please don’t bring children into the equation to be just another slave to the democrats. he assaults?

My attitude is as big as my butt you have been warned tank top
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My attitude is as big as my butt you have been warned lady shirt
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My attitude is as big as my butt you have been warned hoodie
My attitude is as big as my butt you have been warned guy shirt
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