I don’t know where you get your information, National football league alabama crimson tide team anti-dust cotton face mask but this country has never been so divided since the Republicans took majority over everything but the House of Representatives. Get the facts straight please. Democrats here are for the people,
National football league alabama crimson tide team anti-dust cotton face mask
the dems would look like the drop kicks they are , it’s where all the death is . But you clowns ain’t interested to fix it , to get the democrats doing any thing to fix their mess, National football league alabama crimson tide team anti-dust cotton face mask because you just wanna keep hating trump . You sad disputable people my niece is a nurse in chicago. They don’t have masks…if you are in the covid ward…your chart has a notation on it..either an “E” or a “U”. The “E” means that the patient is expected to code…and in that instance, no assistance is given. The patient is allowed to die. he is… they are uhhhhh & there’s nothing we can do to change their views or even be open to anything other than what they believe is truth …..
I am from Denmark and most of Europa is shut down. People are dying like flyes, so you better belive it. May You’r god help you, if you are listning to DT the Republicans have been running this country for the last 3 years. The Republicans are the ones taking away funding for environmental regulation, healthcare, education, disabled, Veterans, Social Security (which is the only retirement some elderly have), pulling out of peace accords, not supporting climate change, banning abortion, and bringing back medieval laws to oppress women. He placed huge tarriifs on imports. Our So called Republican President is racist and Misogynist , a Xenophobe, and so much more! He was the one who dismissed the Pandemic teams at the CDC, and sat on the early warnings for this pandemic.
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