You poor little thing im not judging im saying is that people like u New york giants ever upwards snoopy full printing shirt and that other thing saying they should get a job how are they supposed to when they have no one to look after their babys kids and its sad that half
New york giants ever upwards snoopy full printing shirt
Stay safe and keep smiling. the homeless men made the experiment more interesting its funny how people wanna help those who really don’t need help “greedy” and New york giants ever upwards snoopy full printing shirt how the very same people can’t help people ineed of assistant “needy” Coming from South Africa where we have more poor people this experiment really touched me The guy said it better “Always forget what you give Never forget to forgive” People are just fucken ignorant when it comes to homeless people that has kids and baby’s that need food just like we do. And every one deserves a chance to to give and help those in need.
I love helping others in their needs.! God is great prayers to homeless people and their children!!! lol there is no way a grown man would be living on the streets with a new born baby he would qualify for state benefits lol i know its a video but its to show reality of people and what homeless people go through..! And think some rich assholes do that just get money but when it comes to homeless they need to survive and feed their kids. How about u put ur self in their shoes! O wait selfish people like you make fun. I was maki g fun of the bad acting but if it makes you feel better go ahead and judge people you don’t know…you know – like what you claim you hate about others you are the one who got offended lol Alex and I are being realistic
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