He’s the worst role model this country has ever had for its children. Respect is earned. Personalized new orleans saints snoopy filter activated carbon face mask He has taken disrespect to new levels never before shown by any president. He’s a disgusting PIG!
Personalized new orleans saints snoopy filter activated carbon face mask
what you must have a crystal ball… Because if you go by simple logic him being impeach and the fact he didn’t win the popular vote puts him behind the ball ! Personalized new orleans saints snoopy filter activated carbon face mask Who am I kidding you are a deplorable you don’t understand logic. But everytime a massive shooting happens it’s A Trump rump kisser. 99% of mass shootings now are by white men who support TRUMP. Never turns out to be a liberal. I’d rethink it I was you what sides crazy. for what little is worth, she does have a Netflix special. I will say that her humor is rough and a lot of those people there, Democrats included, act all mightier then thou. I am conflicted as I enjoyed the direct punches masked as jokes, but she wasn’t exactly that funny. I kinda felt uncomfortable at times and I’m here watching it like a million weeks after it happened.
She hasn’t exactly become super famous, but she’s still doing a lot of gigs. It’s just that, if you don’t follow her career, then you wouldn’t know I like how all the delusional leftists ironically haha reacted… but it just seems like they are laughing in the padded room kind of sense , and will eventually turn to tears because their echo chamber has been shattered and they are seeing reality for the first time and don’t get why it doesn’t line up with their self entitled nonsense view of the world. Bull Shit. That dinner has been that way since its inception! What’s this the 1st one you’ve ever seen? Every year no matter who the president is they get roasted deal with It! Just because the whiny baby in office can’t handle it, you don’t have to cry for him. He’s does that enough all on his own. Friggin Narcissist that he is. e have a president that is vulgar and disrespectful to everyone so why should anyone worry about respecting him.
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