i asked why he wasn’t in school, Taking a sick day cause i’m sick of you people shirt he said he got paid to go, but didn’t have to because they’d pass him anyway, just because the swedes don’t want to look foolish their by paying
Taking a sick day cause i’m sick of you people shirt
and yes they get free healthcare but the government spends zero dollars on the military so they have money to spend on healthcare. And why do they not have to spend on military? Because the USA has agreed to protect them since WW II. If we pull military aide from these countries Taking a sick day cause i’m sick of you people shirt let’s see how long they have free healthcare the soviet union was run by the communist party but it practiced socialism.
in marxist theory, the way to achieve communism is through socialism. socialism naturally leads to communism, or so they believed. that is why they were the union of soviet socialist republics. you need to get educated on this. all these ‘bennies’ sound great. but! you’re still paying out your rear end for the likes of whom i met in rome last year at a cafe. an islamist kid hanging out in itlay, looking to get high & better drugs than they have on the streets in sweden. whoa! and he even admitted it!!
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