and He said to enjoy make kids lots of them Agreed. To my wife i love you with my whole heart lion poster It was never about the cake. It was always to push the agenda of getting Society to accept their lifestyle and in the process denying Christians the right to live out their faith.
To my wife i love you with my whole heart lion poster
Your opinion and that’s perfectly fine, but law is necessary since there is no chance everyone will ever agree. Also, there is illegal discrimination and legal discrimination In my opinion, supporting and respecting LGBT community is totally different. Everyone has worth and dignity, To my wife i love you with my whole heart lion poster so everyone need to respect each belief and be one in love. If the man cant bake a cake for the couple, it’s because his faith will be compromise hence for him supporting the LGBT.
He is totaly in respect with the couple by not protesting in the street or making cakes theat is against the LGBT. This was such a wast of time because these two men should have just move on are had him make a cake for them and they could put what ever on top as long as he not doing the sin that they be doing God will judge us all and i believe i read in the Bible many time that two menlaying together is not what God said to do so Godn made Adom and Eve
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