This is a direct threat on our economy ,and you people are fighting over us United states navy submarine force american flag filter activated carbon face mask getting a little bit of money from the government over something that is not even our fault shame on you!!!
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It’s not about that. After everything gets bad, there’s no time for comfort. You gotta buck up and deal with life. Like an adult. EVERYONE is feeling the effects of this virus. United states navy submarine force american flag filter activated carbon face mask It isn’t his job to comfort anyone. He’s giving options and being respectful. Things aren’t as bad as they were during the Depression. you are being sold lies by the lies… those deaths are not nearly as accurate— everyone dying of heart attack, cancer, stroke, etc are all being counted as Covid… that’s a BIG FALSEHOOD being promoted by the mainstream media & major platforms… can you give the the stats of those who died of cardiac arrest, cancer, stroke this period?…. what about people who die of flu on a normal day during this period?… have they all suddenly disappeared??…. STAY WOKE …
think for yourself… don’t just absorb everything you hear- process everything you hear before you accept or reject Goldie Williams, I call bullshit on this Goldie!! What makes you an expert here saying something like this. Sounds like you’re just making stupid comment. Really doesn’t have anything to do with what’s really going on in the world People die from a lot of things not just this virus!Things that have taken more lives than this virus!! They’ve never shut the economy down. You are all playing into the Medias fear factor here. Nobody’s trying to disregard the people that are suffering with this. The point of the matter is this is a biochemical warfare created in the Wuhan lab in China. Bill Gates is known about this virus for a while there’s video of him from 2015 talking about it.
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