What is heartbreaking is people abusing children to commit crimes Virginia cavaliers this is how i save the world carbon filter face mask With all the posts around here I am very proud to be canadian. You cannot pick and choose which laws to follow.
Virginia cavaliers this is how i save the world carbon filter face mask
He making America weak. only thing going to make this country weak is illegal immigration on a massive scale so you must also be talking about the illegal Russian, Virginia cavaliers this is how i save the world carbon filter face mask the Illegal Asians, the Illegal Pollack or you just talking about Latinos. Just in case you don’t know the TRUE history of this country. Latinos were here first also they are over 15 States with Spanish names.. Oh may the way your great great grandparents were immigrants also just like my oh by the way been here over 100 yrs. Illegal aliens hurt this country. It’s truly sad that criminals are “separated” from their families! Oh for gods sake what a stupid video. Heres an idea. Stay in your FUKN country!! Case closed.
You retarded open border maggots are the problem Fact Don’t break the law. Problem solved! More propaganda peddling from NOWTHISPOLITICS. President Trump has offered a path to citizenship but democrats are the ones who refused to work with him. Didn’t Mr. Clinton start this Separation thing? I’m Sorry. But if you do not li,e our laws Please do not Break them… Melania has to go back because she is also immigrated from another country. Hello Christian America! Could someone tell us why should Latinos be targeted for deportation. Considering all the hard work they do for this country, which Americans wouldn’t even do… Did you know that most of this Country was stolen from Mexico in the first place. This is their home more so then Europeans could ever be, give that a little thought before you judge them. This is none other than Hypocrisy BS!
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