Adult Swim is making a concerted effort to bring more bizarre animation to its audience. The firm announced on Wednesday plans for multiple spinoff series to its popular programs, just a week after giving the green light to one-off movie sequels for The Venture Bros., Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Metalocalypse. This includes the first-ever Rick and Morty expansion.
The Most Weird Superhero Team Will Be The Basis of a Rick and Morty Spinoff Program
The Vindicators picks up with the knockoff Avengers/Justice League supergroup initially featured in the season 3 episode “Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender,” produced by Rick and Morty’s Erica Rosbe, Sarah Carbiener, Dan Harmon, and Justin Roiland. Supernova, Vance Maxiumus, Alan Rails, Crocubot, and Noob Noob will “fight crime, avert genocides, and yuk it up without Rick and Morty,” according to the logline. In a statement, Carbiener and Rosbe said, “We are happy to work in the Rick and Morty universe again, and these shorts offer a fantastic opportunity to explore what occurs after the Vindicators save (or destroy) worlds.” “We can’t wait to illustrate how dysfunctional this team of superheroes is, whether Rick is around to murder half of them or not.” Alabama Jackson, a Robot Chicken spinoff of Donald Faison’s “smooth-talking time traveler who travels in exactly the wrong spot at the wrong moment, every time,” is one of the other series in the works.
The Mooninites, The Plutonians, MC Pee Pants, The Frat Aliens, Happy Time Harry, Handbanana, and The Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past will all be included in Aquadonk Side Pieces, which will show what happened after the events of the series. Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell, a crazy sitcom created by Casper Kelly and Dave Willis set in Hell, will get even worse in a new animated series. Adult Swim has set the shows for digital platforms and a global release, with each episode lasting 8-10 minutes., HBO Max, social media, and beyond are among the outlets they currently have. According to a press release, the first episode will air in 2021, with subsequent episodes following in 2022.
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