all a million take the little steps and do what they can, slowly things may change. I have hope that together vintage july 1958 limited edition 63rd birthday gift shirt change can be made, if humans have enough power to change the climates like we have, hopefully we have enough power to unite and
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Mankiw, who served as chief economic advisor under President Bush. Despite not fitting the political mold of a typical environmentalist, Mankiw saw an opportunity to cut both Carbon emissions and payroll taxes. His is a parallel for my vision of common sense, and hopefully, a precedent for future legislation. I wouldn’t say that my personal views on climate change are in any way radically different from the norm – that is, I ascribe the current trajectory of carbon emissions to anthropogenic causes, and trust the data that tells us that passing a degree Celsius ceiling on temperature increase may cause irreparable damage to our planet. Unfortunately, I also believe humans are innately selfishly motivated, especially those who have reached vintage july 1958 limited edition 63rd birthday gift shirt positions of great wealth andor power, and environmentally regulations generally contradict those selfish motivations; this making it very difficult to implement concrete measures against carbon emissions and the like. Last week I read an article in the Wall Street Journal. It was an article on climate change. Even thought I went into reading this article fully aware how right wing opinion pieces in the journal are, the ignorance still did not fail to surprise me. The article talked about how the effects of climate change have not really lived up to the scientists’ predictions hence we should not worry about it.
I equate people who do not believe in climate change to people who believe in crazy youtube conspiracy videos. Why on earth would the majority of scientists in the world jointly just want to go “hey let’s just fuck with these people and tell them bullshit”. Scientists are not lying. You’re lying to yourself. Climate Change is real. I find climate change to be horrific and painfully obvious within our society today. Being a Republican, I find it frustrating that Republican politicians do not take climate change seriously only because it won’t detrimentally affect our lifetime or because they simply don’t believe climate change is real. I believe that we have to think about the future of Earth and it’s inhabitants. Our bad and unsustainable habits now are affecting the ability of future humans and organisms to live on the planet that we call home today. It baffles me that we let our habits and practices get this bad, but despite this, we must work twice as hard to make sure we fix them so that they do not become any more destructive or horrible than they are right now. I think that climate change is a serious issue that will haunt us in the future if it is not addressed now with proper measures. The problem with todays society is the fact that we are divided on this issue. Many people believe that climate change is not actually occurring, despite the clear data we have on it. This is where our struggle to ht climate change stems from. Those that are cognizant of the issue have already started taking steps towards addressing climate change, like Cornell. However, this will not be enough, we need the global population to work together to improve this issue. Climate change will effect everyone in the coming years; it will effect our food, ecosystems across the world, increase the occurrence of natural disasters and have many other negative consequences. Hopefully soon, all of humanity will realize the severity of this issue and solve it. I believe climate change is potentially one of the biggest problems that the world is facing in unison. It won’t be easy to fix this issue but I believe that education is certainly one of the best methods to do so. If people were educated about the effects of climate change, they would be more considerate of their actions and they would be more inclined to help make changes. Schools all over the world should teach their students about climate change so future generations become aware of this issue and continue to increase awareness on this issue. Obviously, Climate Change is real.It is upsetting to think that others may feel differently. There is so much proof of it that at this point to deny it is just selfish in my opinion. It is hard not to let it make you feel helpless though. Sometimes I wonder how on earth I could do anything to really help, but then I remember that if a million people say that and think that, nothing will change. If
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