But that’s often times the harder option. Once upon a time there was a girl with native blood who really loved otters it was me the end poster People who lack the backbone and the character will always choose the way that benefits them exclusively.
Once upon a time there was a girl with native blood who really loved otters it was me the end poster
It’s up to the couple to figure out how it is they feel they don’t love eachother anymore. Jay did say, it’s ok to split up, it’s HOW you go about it, discuss, have closure, etc, etc. Once upon a time there was a girl with native blood who really loved otters it was me the end poster Not, just say it & walk out. There has to be discussion, plans, the reason why, etc,etc. The message was not, don’t split up. I agree with you, not to stay in a relationship that’s not working, but when it’s ended, we all deserve to know why, etc, closure. I don’t believe we marry the wrong person, if it ends. The person was right for us at that time( & vice versa) but we change, we grow,etc, sometimes in different directions.
Sometimes it’s to teach & learn with the other person, then we or they move on. I agree. Was married for 25 years. It took strength to leave actually. To be the one to go. To admit for both of us it had gone. The way way would have been to put up with it. Think we are both happier now and btw the children agree. that’s fine- but the karma in this video has to do with the cheating husband who unilaterally dumped the wife while humiliating her when there were other options. Instead, he chose the option that he felt benefited HIM and to Hell with the wife and kids. His action down the road, begat a reaction of similar action toward him and, SCENE. We’re not talking about honorable dissolution of marriage where there is mutual respect, some consonance, and civility. What this douchebag in the video did speaks to HIS CHARACTER, not their circumstances.
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