Btw Why do we need word beauty in our society ? isn’t being a good person enough? Personalized heart nurse carbon pm 2,5 face mask Well a trillion dollar cosmetic company won’t let you come out of this trap that easy.period
Personalized heart nurse carbon pm 2,5 face mask
if our empathy isn’t wanted or needed, then why was the first commenter asking for it? Your lack of care & consideration is wild to me being that the whole point of this convo is EMPATHY but I digress. Personalized heart nurse carbon pm 2,5 face mask We as Black people love ourselves too, enough to speak up about our experiences when necessary & make ourselves visible so we too can have a spot at the proverbial table. & we don’t need to be coddled either, we clearly are a very strong, creative, & resilient race If you consider that “extra” or “begging,” then I ask you to ask yourself why you feel that wanting representation & respect is a negative thing. when I was four years old,
all that matterad to me was that the caterpillars didn’t got run over by cars, and I was the most popular girl in kindergarten. That, because I could read so the other kids came to me and asked me to read a book for them. THAT was what mattered back then I can relate to you as well, my friends/husband don’t understand why I have a hard time not only accepting compliments also believing them, I tend to think ppl are just being nice or polite, my whole childhood, I was bullied, bashed, & told I ugly coz of my dark skin, I looked different to everyone else, you carry that with you spot on.. everyone can’t be beautiful,? Wts wrong in being ordinary looking?
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