The official sequel to the stop-motion Halloween classic The Nightmare Before Christmas is coming next year in the form of a new young adult novel focusing on Sally’s own adventure following the events of the iconic 1993 film, and we now have a release date, thanks to the title being revealed as Long Live The Pumpkin Queen. “There was a lot of back and forth regarding this title (many of people engaged at Disney + beyond to secure the exact correct title for this story)!” author Shea Ernshaw explained in an Instagram post on Friday.
The Release Date for the ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Sequel Book ‘Long Live The Pumpkin Queen’ Has Been Announced
As previously revealed, Ernshaw’s novel will investigate what happened following Sally and Jack Skellington’s climactic kiss atop Spiral Hill at the end of the movie in Disney Publishing’s first visit to Halloween Town. Sally and Jack, a happily married couple, have their lives turned upside down when Sally unintentionally releases a mystery evil in Halloween Town. With Jack and the entire holiday world in jeopardy, Sally disguises herself as the Pumpkin Queen and sets out on her own mission to save the globe, finding secrets about how to save the world and grappling with fresh revelations about her prior life along the way. “This new book, told from Sally’s point of view, picks up right after the movie finishes. It’s Sally and Jack’s yet-to-be-told love story. But it’s also a coming-of-age story for Sally, as we see her navigate her new regal role as the Pumpkin Queen of Halloween Town,” Ernshaw explained to io9. “It will hopefully provide fans a long-awaited second dose of Sally, Jack, and all the familiar denizens of Halloween Town, while also introducing a new cast of gloomy, odd people that I hope readers will love,” says the author. “In this novel, I really wanted to examine Sally’s identity, and better understand not only who she is now that she’s fallen in love with Jack and taken on the role of the Pumpkin Queen, but also how her past has shaped her present aspirations, uncertainties, and dreams,” Ernshaw explains. If you’ve been following track, you’ll recall that The Nightmare Before Christmas already has an official sequel in the form of a manga comic book, which was released in 2018 and focuses on Zero’s journey.
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