you think denying people the right to tell their stories of societal oppression isn’t insulting? Cannabis fantasy world carbon pm 2,5 face mask You coming in and gaslighting black people’s experience is not only insulting, it is utterly violent.
Cannabis fantasy world carbon pm 2,5 face mask
I have green eyes and straight hair. Which wasn’t cool back then we had to perm it and fry the crap out of it. It didn’t matter what I looked like I wasn’t from there so I was singled out in the beginning. Cannabis fantasy world carbon pm 2,5 face mask But I still can’t even begin to know what it feels like to not have anyone who has your skin tone in movies and books. On magazine covers. I don’t see color on people’s skin in the aspect of it being an identity. I guess that’s why racism never made sense to me. I see humans. People are assholes or nice no matter what shade their skin is. When we were moved to an area that was Pro-dominantly Caucasian. It felt so weird. Like did just step back in history what the hell. I was just learning about the civil war and the racism that so many people have experienced . I meet
family that were racist from the south and I would stare at them and I’d ask them what do you think makes you so much better than any other human being. Why do you think your special lol. Yeah needless to say I did not fit in well my southern family members lol. I care about who people are as a person our skin is just a cover. I hope one day everyone will because we waste so much time with fighting over race, religion, sexuality and pretty much any ISM. Our world can be so much more if stop the petty bullshit. Right the only people fighting about race, sexuality, and religion are the ignorant and the people that project their own insecurities onto the people around them making them feel marginalized and single out. While the vast majority of people really don’t value that stuff higher than the things that truly make up an individual.
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