It is and will always be a crime to kill an innocent person. Drop dead fred drown the fishes cartoon poster It’s extremely sad in the cases of rape or incest (I should know I was sexually exploited 3 times growing up).
Drop dead fred drown the fishes cartoon poster
The consequences are real, and unavoidable. I’m all for “minding my own business’, but this isn’t that. We aren’t talking about what a woman does “with her own body”. Drop dead fred drown the fishes cartoon poster It is the body of the child living within her we are concerned with. The one she has been entrusted to care for. The one she has been ennobled to love, cherish, honor, teach and treasure. Yes, the child lives in her body, and will rely on her for life . . . what choice does the poor child have? Should the child be murdered, and should we all look the other way while it happens because we are “minding our own business”?
If you just pretend for a moment that we are talking about three year olds – or three month olds – then you can see how it isn’t a matter of minding our own business. It is a matter of mourning for, loving and protecting the innocent. Here’s an idea: Let the child live and someone take up the incredible opportunity to care for another life, as we have been created to do! Let’s not murder the child, or maim any men or women! All of these ideas are ideas born of evil. For clarity’s sake, your logic is: “Men who don’t think little girls and boys should be murdered before they are born, should NOT be allowed to procreate”. Does this really seem logical to you? What does it have to do with the fact that we are men? My personal choice as a woman ends when there is another human being involved.
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