My Problem with the Governor’s response is he makes the outcome of death seem like a certainty Alpha kappa alpha pretty girls anti-dust cotton face mask while in fact it is absolutely not! The chances of a healthy individual dieing from this is ridiculously small.
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So yes domestic violence can be worse than death. People take their own lives by the thousands every day to escape those things. So he’s wrong in saying that nothing is worse than death Alpha kappa alpha pretty girls anti-dust cotton face mask It is scientifically invalid to say that getting the illness equals death. Governor Como is compensate for the fact that in the early days of this epidemic they Urged New Yorkers to not abandon their way of life and to get out there and stay active and enjoy all the amenities offered by the great city of New York. Including celebrating Chinese new year. That mistake is what the city of New York is paying dearly for.
I remember all the news footage showing New York State leaders including the Governor, the mayor of New York City and several state representatives including Johnny Loo. That is why this epidemic is so severe and Northern New Jersey and New York City and other surrounding areas. I can’t believe this guy has to fight to help save lives!!!! Money has a place but it is not more important than actual living. Nonsense! He has no understanding of risk acceptance. We can’t destroy our country over this. We accept many more deadly risks every day without shutting down our country! He’s right!! It’s about time. Remember though, when all this started, he authorized all nursing home Occupants with the Corona virus to be sent back to the nursing home that they came from which caused 25% of all the deaths in New York State. Thousands of people lives were lost because of that decision.
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