Less than 2% of single white women and almost 0% of black women. Dirty dancing johnny and penny poster You don’t think that saving 14,000 LIVES is significant or worth anything just because they’re foster children?
Dirty dancing johnny and penny poster
Women who want an abortion will go to back street abortionist and risk their lives if they can’t get one legally, that is why the government in England found that a lot of people were dying. Dirty dancing johnny and penny poster Before an abortion was legal I was expecting a baby, when mum found out it was too late for me to have a back street abortion and I went in a unmarried mother and baby home and saw the mother devastated at having to give up their child otherwise they would not be allowed to go home with their babies. Why abortion? The instances where an abortion saves a mother’s life are EXTREMELY rare. Not wanting to be pregnant is the ONLY reason women need to access abortion HEALTHCARE. HEALTHCARE is always MORAL.
Legal abortions SAVE women’s lives, the ONLY lives involved in abortion HEALTHCARE. but do you get what I’m saying? If you don’t want a baby once you’re pregnant, why not give it up for adoption? because that means being pregnant for 9 months when you dont want to be. Have you ever known a pregnant person? If the child is unwanted then they are just putting their body through hell for no reason. Legally, nobody should be forced to put their body through something if they dont want to, and this is literally the only topic where that is even debated. just because a child isn’t wanted at birth doesn’t mean it’s born for “no reason”, don’t you agree? Because women hate giving up their babies for adoption; plus the health risks of pregnancy. Only 14,000 newborns are given up yearly.
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